Snappy Pots Pop Up Shop

Snappy Pots Pop Up Shop
Snappy Pots Pop Up Shop

Join Snappy Pots for POTS + “SNAPS” + SUCCULENTS

on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, from 5-8 PM at
The Works – Gilbert
1525 S. Higley Rd, Suite 104, Gilbert, AZ 85296
(Get Directions)

Come chat about succulents and try out Snappy Pots!
We’ll have the following available for purchase:
– snappy pots (all 3 sizes)
– snaps (class and fall themes)
– succulents (2″ size)

We’ll also have some “seconds” – pots and snaps with slight imperfections at deeply discount prices)


Meet the Author of Idiot’s Guides: Succulents at the Snappy Pots Pop Up Shop

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Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Exploring Work and Adventure Across the Globe
Embracing the Digital Nomad Lifestyle

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