20 Reasons to book a Day Pass at The Works

20 Reasons to book a Day Pass at The Works
Book a Day Pass at The Works


  1. Flexibility: Day Passes allows individuals to work from a different location, providing a change of scenery and environment. Book a day pass at The Works by stopping in…..or from our website to secure your spot prior to arriving.
  2. Networking: It offers the opportunity to meet and connect with professionals from various industries, potentially leading to new business opportunities or collaborations.
  3. Test-driving The Works: Booking a Day Pass for a day allows individuals to experience the atmosphere and facilities of The Works before committing to a longer-term membership.
  4. Community engagement: It allows individuals to engage with a diverse community of professionals, potentially leading to knowledge sharing and learning opportunities.

Book a Day Pass at The Works to make Work/Family balance easier

5. Work-life balance: It allows individuals to separate their work life from their personal life, especially if they find it challenging to work from home.

Attend to your Mental Health

6. Avoiding distractions: For those who need a quiet and dedicated workspace away from home, a Day Pass can offer a focused environment. For an enhanced level of privacy, our Call Booths are a popular method of making calls, participating in Zoom meetings, and being ultra-focused on your conversations.
7. Workforce well-being: Offering the option to book a Day Pass at The Works can contribute to employee well-being by providing a change of scenery and reducing isolation for remote workers.
8. Inspiration: Coworking spaces are often designed to be aesthetically pleasing and inspiring, which can positively impact an individual’s mood and motivation.

Reliable internet

9. Your internet went out at home: It happens, often at the worst possible time (an hour before your interview or quarterly meeting). Cox and CenturyLink aren’t always perfect. When your internet connection is down, gather your things and get over to The Works.

Business Friendly

10. Business expansion: For entrepreneurs or small business owners, booking a Day Pass in a different city can be a way to explore new markets and expand their network.
11. Workforce integration: Companies can use Day Passes to integrate remote workers or employees from different locations into a shared workspace for a day.
12. Cost-effectiveness: For freelancers or remote workers, booking a Day Pass for a day can be more affordable than renting a traditional office space.
13. Productivity: A change of environment can boost productivity and creativity, especially for those who may feel uninspired in their usual workspace.

The “Easy Button”, right down the street in Gilbert, AZ

14. Convenience: It provides a convenient workspace solution for individuals who may be traveling or attending meetings in a different city. You can have a place to call your business home while you are Visiting Gilbert and surrounding areas.
15. Access to amenities: Coworking spaces often offer amenities such as high-speed internet, printing, scanning, and meeting rooms, enhancing the work experience.
16. Professional environment: It provides a professional setting for meetings, client calls, or focused work, which may not be available in a home office.

Day Pass at The Works

17. Collaboration opportunities:
Coworking spaces often host events, workshops, and networking sessions, providing opportunities for collaboration and skill-sharing.
18. Access to a professional address: For freelancers or small business owners, booking a Day Pass at The Works can
provide a professional business address for the day.
19 Business travel:
It offers a convenient workspace solution for individuals traveling for business who need a temporary office setup.  We’re right down the street from Mesa Gateway airport.

book a Day Pass at The Works - Mesa Gateway Airport
20. Impromptu meetings: When you book a Day Pass at The Works, you work from a professional setting for impromptu Zoom meetings and calls with clients, partners, or colleagues. Step into the Zenbooth for Privacy. Or book a meeting room instead of a Day Pass and meet face-to-face with others. Unless you think you can get more done sitting in an airport terminal 😀.


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